Source code for src.wrappers.OsipiBase

import numpy as np
import importlib
from scipy.stats import norm
import pathlib
import sys
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] class OsipiBase: """The base class for OSIPI IVIM fitting""" def __init__(self, bvalues=None, thresholds=None, bounds=None, initial_guess=None, algorithm=None, **kwargs): # Define the attributes as numpy arrays only if they are not None self.bvalues = np.asarray(bvalues) if bvalues is not None else None self.thresholds = np.asarray(thresholds) if thresholds is not None else None self.bounds = np.asarray(bounds) if bounds is not None else None self.initial_guess = np.asarray(initial_guess) if initial_guess is not None else None # If the user inputs an algorithm to OsipiBase, it is intereprete as initiating # an algorithm object with that name. if algorithm: self.osipi_initiate_algorithm(algorithm, bvalues=bvalues, thresholds=thresholds, bounds=bounds, initial_guess=initial_guess, **kwargs)
[docs] def osipi_initiate_algorithm(self, algorithm, **kwargs): """Turns the class into a specified one by the input. This method can be used instead of specifically importing that class and initiating it. WIP: Add args and kwargs! Args: algorithm (string): The name of the algorithm, should be the same as the file in the src/standardized folder without the .py extension. """ # Import the algorithm root_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2] if str(root_path) not in sys.path: print("Root folder not in PYTHONPATH") return False import_base_path = "src.standardized" import_path = import_base_path + "." + algorithm #Algorithm = getattr(importlib.import_module(import_path), algorithm) # Change the class from OsipiBase to the specified algorithm self.__class__ = getattr(importlib.import_module(import_path), algorithm) self.__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def initialize(**kwargs): """Placeholder for subclass initialization""" pass
#def osipi_fit(self, data=None, bvalues=None, thresholds=None, bounds=None, initial_guess=None, **kwargs):
[docs] def osipi_fit(self, data, bvalues=None, **kwargs): """Fits the data with the bvalues Returns [S0, f, Dstar, D] """ # We should first check whether the attributes in the __init__ are not None # Then check if they are input here, if they are, these should overwrite the attributes use_bvalues = bvalues if bvalues is not None else self.bvalues #use_thresholds = thresholds if self.thresholds is None else self.thresholds #use_bounds = bounds if self.bounds is None else self.bounds #use_initial_guess = initial_guess if self.initial_guess is None else self.initial_guess # Make sure we don't make arrays of None's if use_bvalues is not None: use_bvalues = np.asarray(use_bvalues) #if use_thresholds is not None: use_thresholds = np.asarray(use_thresholds) #if use_bounds is not None: use_bounds = np.asarray(use_bounds) #if use_initial_guess is not None: use_initial_guess = np.asarray(use_initial_guess) #kwargs["bvalues"] = use_bvalues #args = [data, use_bvalues, use_thresholds] #if self.required_bounds or self.required_bounds_optional: #args.append(use_bounds) #if self.required_initial_guess or self.required_initial_guess_optional: #args.append(use_initial_guess) # Run a check_requirements method that makes sure that these inputs fulfil the requirements # Then we check which inputs are required for the algorithm using the requirements attributes in the template # Then we pass everything into the ivim_fit method which performs the fit according to the algorithm #args = [data, use_bvalues, use_initial_guess, use_bounds, use_thresholds] #args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None] # Assuming the last dimension of the data is the signal values of each b-value results = np.empty(list(data.shape[:-1])+[3]) # Create an array with the voxel dimensions + the ones required for the fit for ijk in tqdm(np.ndindex(data.shape[:-1]),[:-1])): args = [data[ijk], use_bvalues] fit = list(self.ivim_fit(*args, **kwargs)) results[ijk] = fit #self.parameter_estimates = self.ivim_fit(data, bvalues) return results
[docs] def osipi_print_requirements(self): """ Prints the requirements of the algorithm. Attributes that are currently checked for are: required_bvalues (int): The lowest number of b-values required. required_thresholds (array-like) 1D array-like of two ints [least number of b-value thresholds, most number of b-value_thresholds]. required_bounds (bool): Whether bounds are required or not. required_bounds_optional (bool): Whether bounds are optional or not required_initial_guess (bool): Whether an initial guess is required or not. required_initial_guess_optional (bool): Whether an initial guess is optional or not. """ print("\n### Algorithm requirements ###") # Check if the attributes exist and print them if hasattr(self, "required_bvalues"): print(f"Number of b-values: {self.required_bvalues}") if hasattr(self, "required_thresholds"): print(f"Numer of b-value thresholds [at least, at most]: {self.required_thresholds}") if hasattr(self, "required_bounds") and hasattr(self, "required_bounds_optional"): if self.required_bounds: print(f"Bounds required: {self.required_bounds}") else: # Bounds may not be required but can be optional if self.required_bounds_optional: print(f"Bounds required: {self.required_bounds} but is optional") else: print(f"Bounds required: {self.required_bounds} and is not optional") if hasattr(self, "required_initial_guess") and hasattr(self, "required_initial_guess_optional"): if self.required_initial_guess: print(f"Initial guess required: {self.required_initial_guess}") else: # Bounds may not be required but can be optional if self.required_initial_guess_optional: print(f"Initial guess required: {self.required_initial_guess} but is optional") else: print(f"Initial guess required: {self.required_initial_guess} and is not optional")
[docs] def osipi_accepted_dimensions(self): """The array of accepted dimensions e.g. (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D) (True, True, False, False, False, False) """ #return (False,) * 6 return True
[docs] def osipi_accepts_dimension(self, dim): """Query if the selection dimension is fittable""" #accepted = self.accepted_dimensions() #if dim < 0 or dim > len(accepted): #return False #return accepted[dim] return True
def osipi_check_required_bvalues(self): """Checks if the input bvalues fulfil the algorithm requirements""" #if self.bvalues.size < self.required_bvalues: #print("Conformance error: Number of b-values.") #return False #else: #return True return True
[docs] def osipi_check_required_thresholds(self): """Checks if the number of input thresholds fulfil the algorithm requirements""" #if (len(self.thresholds) < self.required_thresholds[0]) or (len(self.thresholds) > self.required_thresholds[1]): #print("Conformance error: Number of thresholds.") #return False #else: #return True return True
[docs] def osipi_check_required_bounds(self): """Checks if input bounds fulfil the algorithm requirements""" #if self.required_bounds is True and self.bounds is None: #print("Conformance error: Bounds.") #return False #else: #return True return True
[docs] def osipi_check_required_initial_guess(self): """Checks if input initial guess fulfil the algorithm requirements""" #if self.required_initial_guess is True and self.initial_guess is None: #print("Conformance error: Initial guess") #return False #else: #return True return True
[docs] def osipi_check_required_bvalues(): """Minimum number of b-values required""" pass
[docs] def osipi_author(): """Author identification""" return ''
[docs] def osipi_simple_bias_and_RMSE_test(self, SNR, bvalues, f, Dstar, D, noise_realizations=100): # Generate signal bvalues = np.asarray(bvalues) signals = f*np.exp(-bvalues*Dstar) + (1-f)*np.exp(-bvalues*D) f_estimates = np.zeros(noise_realizations) Dstar_estimates = np.zeros(noise_realizations) D_estimates = np.zeros(noise_realizations) for i in range(noise_realizations): # Add some noise sigma = signals[0]/SNR noised_signal = np.array([norm.rvs(signal, sigma) for signal in signals]) # Perform fit with the noised signal f_estimates[i], Dstar_estimates[i], D_estimates[i] = self.ivim_fit(noised_signal, bvalues) # Calculate bias f_bias = np.mean(f_estimates) - f Dstar_bias = np.mean(Dstar_estimates) - Dstar D_bias = np.mean(D_estimates) - D # Calculate RMSE f_RMSE = np.sqrt(np.var(f_estimates) + f_bias**2) Dstar_RMSE = np.sqrt(np.var(Dstar_estimates) + Dstar_bias**2) D_RMSE = np.sqrt(np.var(D_estimates) + D_bias**2) print(f"f bias:\t{f_bias}\nf RMSE:\t{f_RMSE}") print(f"Dstar bias:\t{Dstar_bias}\nDstar RMSE:\t{Dstar_RMSE}") print(f"D bias:\t{D_bias}\nD RMSE:\t{D_RMSE}")