The current Strategic Plan for OSIPI defines six actionable aims listed below, each of which are addressed by one or more independent task forces. More details on the current work in progress can be found in the OSIPI Roadmap 2020-2022 and on the individual taks force pages. We highly encourage anyone interested to get involved - if you feel you can contribute to one of the task forces, please reach out to the leads directly (contact details on the task force page).

Aim 1. Software inventory

Develop a comprehensive inventory of complete open source packages for perfusion imaging analysis

This is aimed at end-users looking for a suitable tool to process their data. The inventory will list available open-source tools, providing information that will help users to select a suitable tool, such as scope of application, methodology, level of validation, licence policy, transparency, user-friendliness, and reviews by other users.

Task Force 1.1 - ASL Inventory
An inventory of open source ASL packages

Task Force 1.2 - DCE/DSC Inventory
An inventory of open source DCE/DSC packages

Aim 2. Toolbox

Develop a library of open-source functions, scripts and pipelines for perfusion imaging analysis

This is aimed at developers of perfusion methods looking for specific functionality or development templates, or who want to share their own in-house developments with others. Contributions will be sourced from the community, and may include individual functions and more complete pipelines in various programming languages. OSIPI will organise these in a coherent and well-documented library structure, then identify and develop any missing functionality.

Task Force 2.1 - Library Structure and Management
Define and manage the library structure

Task Force 2.2 - ASL Contributions
Collect and harmonise ASL code snippets from developers

Task Force 2.3 - DCE/DSC Contributions
Collect and harmonise DCE/DSC code snippets from developers

Aim 3. Data inventory

Develop an inventory of data for the evaluation of perfusion software

This is aimed at researchers looking for data to test their perfusion analysis methods, and at data owners who want to share data for secondary research. The inventory will provide a curated list of publicly available synthetic, phantom, preclinical and clinical perfusion datasets. Digital reference objects (DROs) and phantom data can serve as ground truth for perfusion analysis methods, and in-vivo data can be used to test algorithms in real-world conditions for robustness, reproducibility and practicality.

Task Force 3.1 - Digital Reference Objects and Phantoms
Build an inventory of digital reference objects and phantoms

Task Force 3.2 - Clinical and Preclinical Data
Build an inventory of freely available clinical and preclinical data

Aim 4. Reporting

Develop guidelines for reporting image acquisition and analysis of perfusion imaging

This will enable interoperability and facilitate the comparison of results produced by different analysis tools, studies or sites. We aim to harmonize and increase the detail in the description of parameters and configurations, enable encoding of the complete perfusion imaging workflow, and pave the way for consensus building. An important application will be the amendment of the DICOM standard for perfusion parametric maps, and development of demonstrations and use cases.

Task Force 4.1 - ASL Lexicon
Guidelines for reporting of ASL image acquisition

Task Force 4.2 - DCE/DSC Lexicon
Guidelines for reporting of DCE/DSC image acquisition

Task Force 4.3 - DICOM standard amendment
Integrate reporting standards for ASL, DCE and DSC into a DICOM amendement

Aim 5. Platform for exchange

Develop a platform for discussion and exchange between developers and users of perfusion software

Effective communication is a key prerequisite for the realisation of the aims, but also to ensure long-term sustainability of the initiative. Through the use of novel communication media and organisation of events, OSIPI will build an active community promoting networking, communication, guidance and discussion.

Task Force 5.1 - Teaching and Education
Develop and distribute educational content on perfusion acquisition, analysis and software.

Task Force 5.2 - Dissemination and Events
Develop dissemination materials and activities.

Aim 6. Benchmarking

Development of benchmarks and application to existing software

Using the data collected in aim 3, develop metrics that quantify the performance of a perfusion analysis tool (eg. bias and precision on DRO’s, agreement with reference methods in-vivo, reproducibility on in-vivo data, processing time, etc.). These metrics will be measured for the software tools collected in aims 1 and 2 in order to establish a set of benchmarks. The long-term aim is to establish OSIPI as an independent arbiter for software solutions in perfusion imaging.

Task Force 6.1 - ASL Challenges
Develop and implement challenges involving ASL perfusion imaging analysis.

Task Force 6.2 - DCE/DSC Challenges
Develop and implement challenges involving DCE/DSC perfusion imaging analysis.