We invite ASL pipeline developers to list their pipelines in the OSIPI inventory to help users to find and select their optimal pipeline. To have your pipeline listed, please fill a short questionnaire HERE - see also the website of OSIPI Task Force 1.1.
Perfusion Phantom and Digital Reference Object (DRO) Questionnaire
OSIPI Task Force 3.1 is building an inventory of contacts and descriptions for perfusion phantoms, DROs, and related source code to facilitate future research and collaborations. We invite perfusion developers (both contrast-enhanced and non-contrast methods) to complete the online survey HERE.
ASL Challenges
Both pipeline developers and users are invited to participate in community-based challenges aiming to establish an optimal analysis pipeline for ASL MRI. Please send an email to Paula Croal if you are interested in receiving more information about ASL challenges or visit OSIPI Task Force 6.1.
ASL code snippets library
In addition to the complete pipelines, programmers willing to share codes for a specific ASL processing step are asked to contribute to a library of open-source functions and scripts targeted at advanced ASL developers - see more on the site of OSIPI Task Force 2.2.
Apologies for multiple postings.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Petr & Sudipto Dolui (TF 1.1)
Ananth Madhuranthakam & Li Zhao (TF 2.2)
Jim Holmes & Chad Quarles (TF 3.1)
Paula Croal & Udunna Anazodo (TF 6.1)