16 Februari 2021: The first deliverables and more milestones!

OSIPI moving full steam ahead with first deliverables completed.

Update on OSIPI Milestones and Deliverables due in February 2021. Also check out the OSIPI resources page where all key results are summarized and maintained.

Task force 1.1 (ASL software inventory) has produced its first deliverable! An ASL pipeline inventory was created and published online referencing the majority of ASL pipeline developers. The inventory provides basic information about pipeline requirements and features, and should serve as a quick guide helping new users to select an appropriate tool for ASL data processing.

Link to ASL pipeline inventory

Task force 1.2 (DCE/DSC software inventory) has delivered a first pass of the DSC/DCE software inventory, where all currently known software tools and documented descriptors have been included. We are in the process of gathering additional information directly from developers and will have a more formalized version published in May along with a plan for tool reviews. We are also planning to disseminate a survey to better inform us when generating the draft review process, for objective comparison of the software tools.

Link to DCE/DSC software inventory

Task Force 2.2 (ASL code contributions) has received detailed code from ASL_TBX with extensive functionalities and some functions from ASL Angio Reader. The task force members summarized the collected code here. The code itself is available in the repository here.

Taskforce 2.3 (DCE/DSC code contributions) has added further open-source Python code to its collection and documented procedures for contributors to add further code. A call for contributions has been made to the ISMRM Perfusion Study Group. Our focus now moves to testing of code contributions, which will ultimately be used to create an integrated OSIPI code library.

Link to DCE/DSC code contributions

Task Force 3.1 (Digital Reference Objects and Phantoms) has completed the first draft of a literature inventory of perfusion DROs, code, and physical phantoms. The team has also updated the collaboration inventory composed of entries from research projects that have expressed interest in collaborating with other researchers. The latest update to the collaboration inventory included confirming public visibility of each research project entry including contact information.

Link to Literature inventory of DROs and phantoms

Link to Collaboration inventory of DROs and phantoms

Task force 3.2 (Clinical and preclinical data) has completed its first deliverable - an inventory (list) of publicly available perfusion datasets along with a tabulated list of descriptors for each dataset. Public feedback is invited and encouraged, and collected systematically.

Link to Inventory of perfusion data

Task force 4.1 (ASL lexicon) has compiled comprehensive lists of the physiological constant and parameters required for quantification. Our primary aim is to achieve a community consensus for naming and definitions in ASL quantification. Therefore, we are very happy to receive feedback and input from anyone with an active interest in the field.

Link to ASL list of physiological parameters

Task force 4.2 (DCE/DSC lexicon) has compiled a new lexicon draft (v.0.4) for public consultation including an encoding mechanism to produce descriptive pipelines of the analysis. A feedback request will be sent to the OSIPI & perfusion study group mailing list, including instructions for feedback submission.

Link to DCE/DSC lexicon

Task Force 6.1 (ASL Challenge) is pleased to announce that we are officially endorsed as an ISMRM Challenge, and are in the final stages of challenge preparation ahead of the upcoming launch. All details will be communicated on the ISMRM challenge website (coming soon) and data hosted via the Open Science Framework (Anazodo et al., OSIPI ASL MRI Challenge (2021), OSF, 2021, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/6XYU3)

Task force 6.2 (DCE Challenge) has prepared the design of the challenge and submitted an abstract on the challenge design to the annual meeting of the ISMRM. The TF members have tested and prepared the clinical data to be used and the DRO is in development. We are delighted to announce that this challenge will run as a formal ISMRM Challenge.

Best wishes,

The OSIPI Executive & Management Board